Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~!

All prepared for Chuunibyou 2? [Img]

Merry Christmas and a happy 2014! I hope 2013 has been as great a year for all of you as it has been for me.

How quickly time flew! The last quarter of ’13 saw me landing a new job, heavily mugging for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at Level N2, and struggling to find time to watch my some of the season’s anime and catch up with missed RPGs and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. So that explains the major lack of updates.

Hopefully as things settle down I’ll be able to start writing again, because I have lots to say about some of the best series/movies I’ve come across these past couple of months. Here’s wishing all smooth sailing for the coming year~ 🙂

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